Braking In Corners Ask anyone who has ever ridden a motorcycle before about their top piece of braking advice and you’ll find that the answer is generally the same: It’s a wise idea to avoid the front brake when you’re in a corner, there are exceptions with practice. Motorcycle tyres…
How do you learn?
In any learning environment, there are a number of learners that will respond to different styles of teaching. Some people are pure practical, some are pure theoretical. When you consider that the current motorcycle tests posed by the DVSA contain 3 elements, it becomes very apparent that we exert a lot of effort preparing…
PreFlight Checks

Going for a ride out? Playing in the twists and turns? Many of us are so keen to get out and about on our bikes, It would easy be forget the basic checks we should be doing on a routine basis. Here are a few in no particular order: Tyres Check…
The Highway Code – Legal Standing
The highway code has been around since 1931, and originally was only 18 pages of advice!The modern highway is a lot more comprehensive, and applies to animals, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers. Here’s what wikipedia says about the code: Any failure to comply with the Code is not an offence in…
Male and Female CBT and DAS Instructors
Great News! Tracey who is already a great CBT instructor has now been down to DVSA HQ for her DAS instructor assessment. Tracey now has her “BLUE” instructor licence, this allows her to teach at all levels. We both believe in not asking anyone to do something that we wouldn’t…